Patiala Lyrics is Punjabi song with music given by Jatinder Jeetu, written by Surjit Khairhwala and directed by Jaci Saini.
Get Lyrics of Nit Din Jiyan Maran Song which is sung by Meet Bros. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by Kumaar.
Have you checked this recently released song 302 lyrics by Naezy. Get lyrics and video of it here on 302 Song Lyrics – Naezy
Main Suneya Lyrics is latest Punjabi song with music given by Sunny Vik. It is written by Raj Fatehpur and released by T-Series.
New World Lyrics, Lexz Pryde and Snoop Dogg is latest song sung and written by them. Its music video is directed by Mvideospro.
Never Trust Lyrics is latest Punjabi song with music given by Trend Setter. Its video is directed by Lovely Singh.
Nakhre Vs Guns Lyrics by Kaur B x Khan Bhaini is latest Punjabi song with music given by Laddi Gill. Nakhre vs guns song lyrics are written by Khan Bhaini.
Waqt Lyrics is latest Punjabi song with music also given by him. It is written by Deep Allachouria and directed by Bunny Singh.