Get Lyrics of Take you to the moon Song which is sung by Lipta. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by Lipta.
Get Take you to the moon Song Lyrics which is sung by Lipta. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by Lipta.
On my way to the rendezvous Can you stay for a night or two How should I say I like you A little of disclosure So let’s take our time Into the night Everyday just me and you All I wanna do is Take you to the moon Sing our favorite tunes together Nothing I […]
On my way to the rendezvous Can you stay for a night or two How should I say I like you A little of disclosure So let’s take our time Into the night Everyday just me and you All I wanna do is Take you to the moon Sing our favorite tunes together Nothing I […]