Get Lyrics of SUPRA Song which is sung by Darko US. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by Darko US.
Get SUPRA Song Lyrics which is sung by Darko US. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by Darko US.
[Intro] (Supra) I ,left to fight the sleeping Was, left to fight the sleeping Left, left to fight the sleeping To fight, await the sleeping giant You, left to fight the sleeping Were, left to fight the sleeping Gone, unseen hands placed before your eyes [verse 1] Just watch them say They wanna save us […]
[Intro] (Supra) I ,left to fight the sleeping Was, left to fight the sleeping Left, left to fight the sleeping To fight, await the sleeping giant You, left to fight the sleeping Were, left to fight the sleeping Gone, unseen hands placed before your eyes [verse 1] Just watch them say They wanna save us […]
Get Lyrics of BLOOD HOST Song which is sung by Darko US. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by Darko US.
Get BLOOD HOST Song Lyrics which is sung by Darko US. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by Darko US.
[Intro] (This is the final form dethmask) [Chorus] The shadows creeping now And a presence lingers here Running from the very feeling I have grown to fear It echoes in my mind It permeates deep in my bones How can I relinquish that which has no name But knows exactly what’s here in my soul […]
[Intro] (This is the final form dethmask) [Chorus] The shadows creeping now And a presence lingers here Running from the very feeling I have grown to fear It echoes in my mind It permeates deep in my bones How can I relinquish that which has no name But knows exactly what’s here in my soul […]