Lyrics of Gun Shot by Karan Aujla is Punjabi song sung by him. Its music is composed by Deep Jandu and lyrics are written by Karan Aujla himself.
Lyrics of Ni Kudiye by NS Chauhan is Punjabi song sung, composed and written by him while rap part is sung by Sidharth Katyal.
Countrysiders Lyrics by Tarsem Jassar is brand new Punjabi song from the album Turbanator. Its music is composed by Western Pendu and lyrics are written by Tarsem Jassar himself.
YTL Yaar Tera LIT Lyrics by Mickey Singh feat Aneesha Joshi is latest song sung by him. Its music is composed by Mickey Singh & Pam Sengh and lyrics are written by Mickey Singh & G Sidhu.
A collection of best Hindi songs written by renowned lyricist Sameer
Hair Blonde by Jazz Dhaliwal is Punjabi track sung by him, its music is composed by Jassi X and lyrics are written by Kanwarv Waraich
Meri Saanson Mein Tum Lyrics of Aaina (1993) is penned by Sameer, it’s composed by Dilip Sen-Sameer Sen and sung by Asha Bhosle and Kumar Sanu.
Tochan Lyrics by Sidhu Moose Wala is latest Punjabi song sung and written by him and composed by Byg Byrd. Get lyrics and music video of this song here.