Get Lyrics of Phulkari Song which is sung by Baani Sandhu. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by Narinder Talwara.
Chuparustam lyrics by Harjas : Get lyrics and music video of this beautiful song here on
Firse Machayenge Lyrics by Emiway is latest Rap song with music given by Tony James. Firse machayenge song lyrics are written by Emiway and video is directed by Nishan Bhujel.
Song : Firse Machayenge Singer : Emiway Musician : Tony James Lyricist : Emiway
Aadatein Lyrics by Nikhil D’Souza is latest song with music given by Gaurav Dagaonkar. Aadatein song lyrics are written by Anurag Bhomia and directed by Nina Srivastava.
Subaah Jatt Da Lyrics is latest Punjabi song with music given by Gur Sidhu. It is directed by Mahi and Joban Sandhu.
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Main Aur Tu Lyrics by Gajendra Verma is latest Hindi song with music also given by him. Main aur tu song lyrics are written by Gajendra Verma.