Get Lyrics of Crazy remix Song which is sung by Mattke Pal. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by Mattke Pal.
[Verse 1] Way down deep underwater Covered in ice, covered in ice Told lies like my father, kept cold and now I pay the price I can hear your laughter Calling from above Help me break this curse now, come to me love [Chorus] Shots ring out in the night From the shadows on the […]
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Haal Naar Da Song Info: Song: Haal Naar Da – Nikk Singer(s): Nikk Musician(s): Rox A Lyricist(s): Nikk Cast: Nikk, Tivneet Label(©): T-Series
Maheroo lyrics – The Zoya Factor : Get lyrics and music video of this song here on
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Rubicon Lyrics by Prem Dhillon is brand new Punjabi song and music is given by Rass. Rubicon song lyrics are penned down by Prem Dhillon.
Get Backseat Song Lyrics which is sung by BoyWithUke. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by BoyWithUke.