Song : Dreams Singer : Gurjazz, Gurlez Akhtar Musician : Laddi Gill Lyricist : Jassi Lohka, Narinder Talwara Get its lyrics & video here on
Get Lyrics of Dreams Song which is sung by Gurjazz. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by Jassi Lohka, Narinder Talwara.
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Sohni Kudi Lyrics by Deep Dhillon and Jaismeen Jassi is latest Punjabi song with music given by Dark Cello. Sohni kudi song lyrics are written by Devinder Benipal and Preet Guri.
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Read the latest song Bhangra Thok Ke Babbal Rai Lyrics sung by Babbal Rai. Here you can read the latest Punjabi, Haryanvi and Hindi Song.
Setting Kara Ke Ja Lyrics by Khesari Lal Yadav and Khusboo Tiwari is latest Bhojpuri song with music given by Lord Ji. Setting kara ke ja song lyrics are written by Yadav Raj.