Listen and read the Lyrics of Shopping Song sung by Gagan Kokri and Gurlez Akhtar while music produced by Jatinder Shah. Here can read with song meaning only on theLYRICALLY.
Get Lyrics of Shayad Song which is sung by Arijit Singh. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by Irshad Kamil.
Dil Mutiyar Da Lyrics is Punjabi song with music given by Jassi X. It is written by Bunty Bains and released by Nupur Audio.
Bolde Lyrics by Angad Khehra is latest Punjabi song with music also given by him. Bolde song lyrics are written by Angad Khehra and video is directed by Agam Mann.
Song : Mehndi Singer : Mantaaz Gill Musician : MixSingh Lyricist : Bikramjit Singh
Get Matter Song Lyrics which is sung by Romey Maan. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by Romey Maan.
Galib Lyrics is Punjabi song sung and music given by him. Galib is written by Jaani and directed by Rakesh Mehta.
Listen and read the Sidu Moose Wala – Taare Lyrics sung by Sidhu Moose Wala and Harlal Batth. Here can read with song meaning only on theLYRICALLY.