Rooh Lyrics by Oye Kunaal is latest Punjabi song with music given by Oye Kunaal. While Rooh song Lyrics are written by Rishabh Puri and featuring artists are Rupa Khurana, Ankit Gera.
Rohome offre un’ampia collezione di orologi da parete in legno. Puoi trovare il miglior orologio da parete per impreziosire gli spazi della tua casa. Acquista ora su
Song : Mere Dil Vich – Arjun Kanungo Singer : Arjun Kanungo Musician : Arjun Kanungo Lyricist : Tanzeel Khan
Mere Dil Vich Lyrics is latest Punjabi song with music also given by him. It is written by Tanzeel Khan and directed by Shubham Sharma.
Glassiyan Lyrics by Mika Singh is latest Punjabi song with music given by Mista Baaz. Glassiyan song lyrics are written by Deep Fateh while video is directed by Harry Singh and Preet Singh.
Song : Goli Maar De – Asees Kaur Singer : Asees Kaur Musician : Rajat Nagpal Lyricist : Vicky Sandhu
Goli Maar De Lyrics by Asees Kaur is latest Punjabi song with music given by Rajat Nagpal. Goli Maar De song lyrics are written by Vicky Sandhu and video is released by Desi Music Factory.
Song : Glassiyan – Mika Singh Singer : Mika Singh Musician : Mista Baaz Lyricist : Deep Fateh