Boli (Guns Up) Lyrics by Karan Aujla is latest Punjabi song from BacTHAfucUP (BTFU) and its music is produced by Tru Skool. Latest Boli (Guns Up) song lyrics are written by Karan Aujla.
Lyrics of It Ain’t Legal by Karan Aujla and Gurlez Akhtar is latest Punjabi song from the BacTHAfucUP (BTFU), Grab brand new Ain’t legal song lyrics.
Ford (Loud AF) Lyrics by Karan Aujla from the album BacTHAfucUP (BTFU) is brand new Punjabi song with music given by Tru Skool. Latest Ford (Loud AF) song lyrics are written by Karan Aujla.
80 Degrees Lyrics by Karan Aujla from the album BacTHAfucUP (BTFU) is brand new Punjabi song with music given by Tru Skool. Latest 80 degrees song lyrics are written by Karan Aujla.
Sharab Lyrics by Karan Aujla from the album BacTHAfucUP (BTFU) is brand new Punjabi song with music given by Tru Skool. Latest Sharab song lyrics are written by Karan Aujla.
Addi Sunni Lyrics from the album BacTHAfucUP (BTFU) is brand new Punjabi song with music given by Tru Skool. Latest Addi sunni song lyrics.
Ask About Me Lyrics from the album BacTHAfucUP (BTFU) is brand new Punjabi song with music given by Tru Skool. Latest Ask about me song lyrics.
O Sayyoni Lyrics, Pawandeep Arunita is brand new Hindi song sung by them. Grab latest O Sayyoni song lyrics and music video.