Get Lyrics of 그리운건 그대일까 그때일까 (A Sleepless Night) Song which is sung by CNBLUE. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by CNBLUE.
Get 그리운건 그대일까 그때일까 (A Sleepless Night) Song Lyrics which is sung by CNBLUE. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by CNBLUE.
Get Lyrics of 그리운건 그대일까 그때일까 (A Sleepless Night) (English Translation) Song which is sung by CNBLUE. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by CNBLUE.
Get 그리운건 그대일까 그때일까 (A Sleepless Night) (English Translation) Song Lyrics which is sung by CNBLUE. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by CNBLUE.
[Chorus] Is it you I miss? Is it that time? Is it us of that day? [Verse 1] I’m trapped in the fragments of all the pieces of us of that day. I’m pricked by the sharp edges of the sharp blades. It hurts every day. How’s your day? Stabbed and hurting, hurting every day […]
[Chorus] Is it you I miss? Is it that time? Is it us of that day? [Verse 1] I’m trapped in the fragments of all the pieces of us of that day. I’m pricked by the sharp edges of the sharp blades. It hurts every day. How’s your day? Stabbed and hurting, hurting every day […]