Spiral Staircase Lyrics, Spiral staircase going down, paint your body red and brown / on our knees we’ll feast on a sex show / spiral stairc
Split Screen Lyrics, Another modern innovation / This time, I mean it / A hazard of the occupation / Desire when needed / Set it down befo
Stormy Weather Lyrics, Four in the morning / Came and you left without warning / Looking for a good time lover / A right now man / / Runnin
Supermarket Lyrics, Sweet ocean liner, come and anchor down / Sea of forgiveness, see what I have found / It’s long and lanky, awkward at ti
Supersoaker Lyrics, My motivation is going too soon / The good vibrations all over you / Act like you mean it, you mean it / You got a story
Talihina Sky Lyrics, Weeds blow tall on a broken train track / Ruth b. draws we’re fixin’ to get high / Maybe we’ll hit the bluffs / And fin
Taper Jean Girl Lyrics, Aha, shake, taper jean girl with a motel face / Aha, shake, bury your eyes in a secret place / Aha, shake, black as
Please enter a description…Temple Lyrics, The dance floor’s a temptress / Can’t make out what you’re saying / / But you rub me the right way / With your child-like pe