Get Lyrics of Heavy Is the Crown (A Capella) Song which is sung by Linkin Park. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by Linkin Park.
Get Heavy Is the Crown (A Capella) Song Lyrics which is sung by Linkin Park. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by Linkin Park.
[Verse 1: Mike Shinoda] It’s pouring in, you’re laid on the floor again One knock at the door and then We both know how the story ends You can’t win if your white flag’s out when the war begins Aiming so high but swinging so low Trying to catch fire but feeling so cold Hold […]
[Verse 1: Mike Shinoda] It’s pouring in, you’re laid on the floor again One knock at the door and then We both know how the story ends You can’t win if your white flag’s out when the war begins Aiming so high but swinging so low Trying to catch fire but feeling so cold Hold […]
Get Lyrics of Cut The Bridge (A Capella) Song which is sung by Linkin Park. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by Linkin Park.
Get Cut The Bridge (A Capella) Song Lyrics which is sung by Linkin Park. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by Linkin Park.
[Verse 1: Mike Shinoda] You’re too ignorant to fail, I can’t look you in the eye And I can’t even tell if you’ve been telling me a lie Every time you start it’s like the fourth day of July Reckless like you’re making rockets just to blow up in the sky Feeling like it’s chemical, […]
[Verse 1: Mike Shinoda] You’re too ignorant to fail, I can’t look you in the eye And I can’t even tell if you’ve been telling me a lie Every time you start it’s like the fourth day of July Reckless like you’re making rockets just to blow up in the sky Feeling like it’s chemical, […]