Get Lyrics of STALOWA WOLA Song which is sung by zuziula. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by zuziula.
Get STALOWA WOLA Song Lyrics which is sung by zuziula. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by zuziula.
[Verse 1] Lily petals dancing on an old front porch Gray strobe clouds and a rumbling sound, in the distance, a thunderstorm The trees are swaying ’cause they just can’t wait for the light show coming just to spring to the stage They singing every lyric while their limbs all shake [Verse 2] I ain’t […]
[Verse 1] Lily petals dancing on an old front porch Gray strobe clouds and a rumbling sound, in the distance, a thunderstorm The trees are swaying ’cause they just can’t wait for the light show coming just to spring to the stage They singing every lyric while their limbs all shake [Verse 2] I ain’t […]