College Lyrics – Mankirt Aulakh: This is a recently released Punjabi song by Mankirt Aulakh which is composed by MixSingh and written by Singga. Get its lyrics and music video which is directed by Robby Singh.
Lyrics of College by Mankirt Aulakh is a heart touching song written by Singga. Its music is given by MixSingh and video is directed by Robby Singh..
Sakhiyaan Lyrics – Maninder Buttara: This Neha Malik featured Punjabi song is composed by MixSingh and written by Babbu. Gunbir Singh Sidhu & Manmord Sidhu has produced it while video is directed by Robby Singh.
Gangland In Motherland Lyrics – Guri & Jass Manak: This is the title song from Punjabi movie Gangland In Motherland. It is sung by Guri & Jass Manak and written by Gabbar Sangrur while its music is given by MixSingh.