Get Lyrics of Who Believes In Angels? Song which is sung by Elton John. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by Elton John, Brandi Carlile.
Get Who Believes In Angels? Song Lyrics which is sung by Elton John. Full lyrics and music video is available on Its lyrics are penned by Elton John, Brandi Carlile.
[Verse 1: Brandi Carlile] You don’t need to laugh so hard You don’t have to wear a tie Sometimes honest is being caught inside a lie And I have been there I have been there [Verse 2: Brandi Carlile
[Verse 1: Brandi Carlile] You don’t need to laugh so hard You don’t have to wear a tie Sometimes honest is being caught inside a lie And I have been there I have been there [Verse 2: Brandi Carlile