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One of the most important websites about Argentine Tango. As the name says, you can find almost everything about Tango history and Tango music, traditional Tango and new developments.
Fabiàn Salas is one of the most famous Tango dancers of our age. Together with Gustavo Naveira he created the Tango Nuevo stile, developping new types of dynamic movements for Tango dancers, based on a meticulous research of body mechanics. Fabiàn Salas will be teaching in Europe in early summer 2013. More information at
How to dance in harmony with your partner and the other couples on the dance floor:
Tango is a style of ballroom dance music in 2/4 or 4/4 time that originated among European immigrant populations of Argentina and Uruguay…
Worldwide renowned Tango dancers Ricardo Barrios Laura Melo and Laura Melo perform the Tango “Junto a tu corazon”
An account of one couple’s thoroughly enjoyable experiences of a tango holiday, a different way of learning, how to ‘feel’ the dance and ‘body talk’. Villa La Rogaia Tango courses are available for beginners, improvers and more advanced dancers, and with a range of different internationally acknowledged tango teachers.