[Intro] Brinks, script, vol Racket, braquo, stup, glock Prison, juge, flic, proc Y’a pas ma vie sur TikTok Brinks, script, vol Racket, braquo, stup, glock Prison, juge, flic, proc Y’a pas ma vie sur TikTok [Refrain] J’suis tout en haut, j’finirai
[Intro] Brinks, script, vol Racket, braquo, stup, glock Prison, juge, flic, proc Y’a pas ma vie sur TikTok Brinks, script, vol Racket, braquo, stup, glock Prison, juge, flic, proc Y’a pas ma vie sur TikTok [Refrain] J’suis tout en haut, j’finirai
Get Lyrics of Yuno Miles Disstrack Song which is sung by Yuno Chase. Full lyrics and music video is available on LyricsBull.com Its lyrics are penned by Yuno Chase.
Get Yuno Miles Disstrack Song Lyrics which is sung by Yuno Chase. Full lyrics and music video is available on LyricsBull.com Its lyrics are penned by Yuno Chase.
F*ck yuno miles had a n!gga had a b!tch S*it F*ck yuno miles had a n!gga had a b!tch These songs are trash These n!gga had a bed chem This n!gga had a O’tool Uh,uh,uh, not my pen!s not my pen!s Your are in a dress to impress. Yuno Miles Disstrack lyrics – Yuno Chase […]
F*ck yuno miles had a n!gga had a b!tch S*it F*ck yuno miles had a n!gga had a b!tch These songs are trash These n!gga had a bed chem This n!gga had a O’tool Uh,uh,uh, not my pen!s not my pen!s Your are in a dress to impress. Yuno Miles Disstrack lyrics – Yuno Chase […]
Get Lyrics of Sushi Glory Hole Song which is sung by The Lonely Island. Full lyrics and music video is available on LyricsBull.com Its lyrics are penned by The Lonely Island.
Get Sushi Glory Hole Song Lyrics which is sung by The Lonely Island. Full lyrics and music video is available on LyricsBull.com Its lyrics are penned by The Lonely Island.