[Intro] Who’s that girl, breaking all that rules Who’s that girl, making all this moves Who’s that girl, on the headline news Who’s that girl
[Intro] Who’s that girl, breaking all that rules Who’s that girl, making all this moves Who’s that girl, on the headline news Who’s that girl
Get Lyrics of Sync-love Song which is sung by Kep1er. Full lyrics and music video is available on LyricsBull.com Its lyrics are penned by Kep1er.
Get Sync-love Song Lyrics which is sung by Kep1er. Full lyrics and music video is available on LyricsBull.com Its lyrics are penned by Kep1er.
[Intro: Xiaoting] Hide and seek Do you wanna light me up? Whisper me The siren goes all around [Verse 1: Hikaru, Huening Bahiyyih, Dayeon, Yujin] I’m an iconic twist
[Intro: Xiaoting] Hide and seek Do you wanna light me up? Whisper me The siren goes all around [Verse 1: Hikaru, Huening Bahiyyih, Dayeon, Yujin] I’m an iconic twist
Get Lyrics of TIPI-TAP Song which is sung by Kep1er. Full lyrics and music video is available on LyricsBull.com Its lyrics are penned by Kep1er.
Get TIPI-TAP Song Lyrics which is sung by Kep1er. Full lyrics and music video is available on LyricsBull.com Its lyrics are penned by Kep1er.